
 hello beautiful soul!

I’m ellie…

a healing space holder, guide, body and soul connector, energy mover, grief walker and grief worker, and heart opener



soulful transmissions through writing & podcasting

awakening + healing Teachings + Creations

(W)Holistic Guidance for THE NEVER ENDING EXPERIMENTS OF FUllY living + becoming, especially in your toughest moments.

I was born into this life to bring forth what is in the depths of your being, allowing your brilliance to flow, shine and be celebrated.

To me living in flow with your multi-dimensional self and life includes exploring the Divinity of your heart, body, experiences and callings, while also honoring your darkest moments -

your grief, uncertainty, anger, fears, moments of collapse and surrender, as well as the ways you come up against yourself, your humanness and imperfections.

My mission is to support the exploration and discovery of your most alive and authentic states of being, while offering deeply loving and healing guidance that allows any layers and ways of being that aren’t authentically yours to naturally fall away.

I see pain, grief, uncertainty, and fear as portals for discovery, healing and unearthing your greatest expression.

I revel in spiritually partnering with my clients and members to create a warm, deeply nourishing, and connected container where we can explore all of you and life - the parts you love, the ones you don’t like as much, and the parts you haven’t even discovered yet.

In this magical space, conditioned aspects that aren’t really you can start to fall away so that your Soul-self can emerge and become embodied.

I am in love with the beauty and mystery of what is uncovered in every session, and the healing that is available in our partnering (And i think you will be too).

Witnessing you as you reclaim your energy, life, creativity (and everything else that is already your(s) as you connect more deeply with yourself through blissful and challenging times is a deep honor for me.

I look forward to working with you and discovering what is ready to unfold within you and in your life!


More on my story, Style of guiding, coaching, & mentorship

If you’d like to know more about me and my journey, I was recently recorded 2 podcasts and wrote 3 parts on my full story and what brought me here.

You can listen to The Four Arches of My Journey podcast here.

You can listen to my sister interview me on my path to coaching and why I do what I do, here.

You can read parts 1, 2, and 3 of my journey from 2017 to 2024 here.

A piece of My story:

There are years, and layers upon layers, of what I have walked through, and been guided to, that have led me here. I started my business in 2017 as Holistic Nutritionist, and as I have embodied my own growth, healing, and humanness on new levels over time, my practice and offerings have evolved. Tending to and tuning into the body will always be an important part of my work, and I gained great wisdom through my nutrition work, however my offerings have a different focus now - on supporting your connection to your life and what it is here to guide and shape within you, yourSelf, your wholeness, your creativity and Divine expression.

I now believe I am called to walk with you through dark feeling times of unraveling (and then through your subsequent rebuilding), because I have been initiated and called into greater Life through my own dark valleys, grief, and fear.

Right before and after my mom’s passing in winter 2021, I felt a clear call to take a step to the side and I brought my previous creations to conclusion. I walked through many months of an equally illuminating and dark death and rebirth cycle as I became acquainted with my grief on a new level, and the new Ellie that was being born from it.

Approaching the transition portal with my mother pushed me to limits and new capacities I didn’t know I had. After months of feeling disconnected and unsure of what was next, I received a Divine download and new understanding around the important transformation grief was guiding me through.

The Original Ellie•FLow Vision:

The idea for Ellie•Flow came to me in June of 2021. It came to me as a vision of a beautiful multi-tiered and intricate fountain that lay dry. I could see God’s hand on the valve, beginning to turn the water on again.

As it filled the fountain, the words “Ellie Flow” came through - flow of new life, of vibrancy, of healing, of joy, of creation.

I could hear birds singing and playing in the fresh water. I had the desire to open my arms to the heavens and laugh with delight. The tiers of the fountain representing my head, my heart, my body and soul in unison, flowing together.

I could feel the power and importance of letting my fullness flow, of holding back nothing, allowing my expression and energy to nourish and uplift.

The water soothed me, refreshed me, enlightened me.

and the clearest knowing of all was that the Divine water was not just of me or for me, it was for all.

The potency of its flow and energy was not just for me or of me, it was for all.

I sat with it and stayed open in the coming days to come, basking in the relief and vibrancy of the vision. Over a few days time, deeper understanding began to pour in and I remembered the meaning of my name.

Ellie means “bright shining one” or “shinning light”. This new place of being is meant to be a place where you connect with the flow of your bright shining light, where you are guided to embody and allow new water to stream through you.

The fountain is a place to play, come for replenishment, bathe, relax, dream, observe, renew.

The sense of honor and delight I have in holding such space and growing in the expression of it as you do, is profound and immense. Thank you for being here. I can’t wait to see your bright shinning light flowing through you and beyond.



‘Sacred Tending, Liberated Expression’:


Paying reverent, dedicated, skillful attention to what is present (in the body, heart, mind, and soul), revealing and creating space for transformation that invites your liberated nature and full being to be

integrated, embodied, and expressed.

TEnd & Become:

It doesn’t matter how old you are, what you have been through or are currently carrying - if you feel called to take the next step together, I trust your time is now.

I look forward to meeting you!

Credentials, Certifications & More:

Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant through Bauman College in 2017.

Completed Nicole Jardim’s Fix Your Period Apprenticeship in 2017.

Certified Deep Transformational Coach through The Center for Transformational Coaching in 2020.

Certified Breathwork & Meditation Teacher through Academy of Breath in 2020.

Bilingual: English - Spanish (Coaching available in both languages)

All of my being invested in the journey of unraveling, healing, creating space and becoming for many years now…