The Sanctuary Membership

A Mentorship platform + COmmunity supporting you as you move through challenges + build a fulfilling, joyful life you love from the inside out.

Welcome to the sanctuary,

An oasis for multi-dimensional support, connection, healing, and evolution as you walk through

Grief or loss journeys;

big inner or life shifts;

Liminal and Void Seasons;

Challenging seasons of Uncertainty; 

Big questions and unknowns about life, love, who you are, what’s next, and what you’re here for;


You’re feeling A LOT and you don’t know where to go with it all.

You’re moving through something BIG (even if it is unseen from the outside) and you can feel that your life is changing, who you are is changing.

You can feel that this time is pivotal for you, that your life will never be the same. There is no going back to who you were before, but you don’t feel clear on you who are becoming and what the future will be like yet either.

Your friends and family don’t seem to get it at the level you’re needing them to. Trying to figure it all out on your own is lonely.

You crave community and a place to be able to unload all of the questions and emotions you’re carrying to find some peace.

You crave a place where you can come as you are, no matter how messy you feel, to receive guidance and reassurance.

You crave a mentor that gets the grandiosity of this moment for you and has walked through times like this before.

You desire to find a sense of levity again.

You desire to live inspired, from your heart + Truth.

To create a vibrant, fulfilling life you love.

In The Sanctuary Membership, you will be met and supported in weekly calls exactly where you are, no matter how complicated it feels, and with time you will be guided into building the beautiful life you love waking up to each day.

In every call, you will be guided in

Opening Your Awareness + Cultivating Self Intimacy:

Awaken an empowered and loving relationship with yourSelf and learn how to interact with worries, fears, negative thoughts, and big emotions without shame or feeling de-railed!

Emotional + Energetic Release:

Tend and release suppressed and stuck emotion that is keeping you from taking the steps you desire forward. Experience deep healing that supports your creativity and future vision!

Shifting Limiting Patterns to Create a New Life:

Unravel conditioning and survival-energy default patterns in your mind and nervous-system, so you can expand your capacity for what you wish to experience in life! Anchor in the new, updated, authentic states of living and being you desire, and feel possibility blossom within and without.

bask in the rich support


Here’s what’s included when you become a member of The Sanctuary:

(All calls are 90-120 minutes and hosted on Zoom)

+ 3 group Mentorship Calls Each Month

+ 1 Grief + Integration Flow Each Month

+ A private, community forum to connect, share, integrate + ask questions

+ Intuitively shared bonuses

All live calls will be recorded and you will have access to the recordings within 48hrs after the call, incase you can’t make it live.



“If you have been considering joining The Sanctuary let this be the encouragement/sign/nudge you need to do so! I became a founding member of The Sanctuary and I am so thankful I did. I had an initial hesitation to sign up due to a fear-based/financial-lack mindset, but I have worked with Ellie in the past and something was telling me that I needed to find a way to make it work. 

Every single Sacred Tending and Grief Flow session has allowed me to find emotional and physical release in ways that I would not have been able to do on my own. Ellie graciously and gently offers support and guidance in an incredibly nurturing and safe environment. She intuitively brings in themes and content that have perfectly aligned with my needs in each moment, and she allows the necessary time and space to process all that is emerging.

If you are feeling drawn, I wholeheartedly recommend that you join. The Sanctuary is a transformative experience!”

– Allison


+ Ground into your center & ATTUNE TO YOUR INTUITIVE KNOWING

Breathe in relief as you anchor into the confidence and permission to embrace your current season and pace, to make crystal clear decisions that feel right in your body and soul, and allow in a more peace and ease.


Become a master of meeting your FULL Self and experience with openness and love, inviting in a sense of flow and your ability to dance with whatever arises, as each wave taps you into greater wisdom and vitality. Over time, this will become your new foundation for living and being.


As you embrace your fullness, the stories you tell yourself and the lens through which you see life will begin to shift, allowing what is no longer true and necessary, or weighing you down, to release!

Breathe into the spaciousness being created within you! Energy is being freed up and AHHHH sooo much more possibility is arriving!!


Organically allow the most grounded, centered, loving, vibrant you to emerge, and see where it wants to lead you!

Discover the heart-led you that wants to shine through, and

Find your way back to yourself and life in greater capacity and expression

While there is absolutely zero commitment when joining and you can cancel at any time, I highly recommend considering membership for 3-months minimum. This is NOT a land of quick fixes, rather of profound inner support that creates whole-life change with time.



  • Nope! This is an incusive membership open to all.

  • You can see the current schedule here.

    + Once the community is established and humming, a survey of the best times for members will be conducted and call times will be readjusted as needed!

  • Each call will be recorded and added to the membership portal within 48hrs, so if you can't join one or all live, you will be able to fully engage in the recording.

  • The price is $77/ month.

    There is no commitment and you can leave and return at any time. However, if you are able, I recommend considering 3 months minimum in The Sanctuary for fullest benefit. Also, if you are a founding member and cancel, you’ll lose access to founding member pricing.

  • Yes, you will have access to 1:1 coaching opportunities on all calls.

  • The membership is hosted on Podia. As soon as you join, you will be prompted to create and account and you will be able to access the membership from that account via your computer or phone.

    There is no app for the membership at this time.

  • Yes! The only pre-requisite to entering the Sanctuary is willingness. The Sanctuary membership will perfectly meet and guide you exactly where you are, as you are. You can trust the call to join, and that you are fully equipped to receive what is here for you.

  • No refunds will be given. If you wish to cancel your membership, you can do so in your account and you will not be charged again unless you re-join.

Exclusive lifetime pricing for founding members through 8/14

Exclusive lifetime pricing for founding members through 8/14 ✨