1:1 Mentorship Application Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * Country (###) ### #### Share about your life! What's occurring or arising that is calling you to 1:1 work with Ellie? * What feels in flow and really good within yourself and life right now? What feels out of synch, stuck, disconnected, or not so good? (If different from above) How do you desire to live and be and experience in your life? (Answer as abstractly/generally or specifically as you can or have awareness of. If you’re having trouble, a good place to start is by closing your eyes, taking a deep breath, and describing what your most free feeling moments feel like) * What is your spiritual life like? Share as much as you feel comfortable. * How do you imagine working with Ellie will support & benefit you? * Have you worked with other healers or practitioners (of any kind) before? If so, what was that experience like for you? * Is there anything else that would be helpful for Ellie to know about you or your life before we begin or speak? What is your current weekly availability? Do you have a preferred weekly session time? * The investment for 3 months of 1:1 Mentorship is $1,400/month or $4k pay in full. Do you have any questions about this? * Do you have any other questions for Ellie? If after reviewing your application, working together feels like a good fit for Ellie, would you like to book an optional call (25-minutes) with her to talk through anything before you begin? Yes, please No, I'm ready to start Thank you! I look forward to reading your application and will be in touch shortly!