Return to fullness after life breaks you open

a 6-MONTH group program

Welcome to a reality where…

your deepest grief & pain is fully honored & met.

And in the act of tending to it,

you discover more of yourself than you ever knew existed.

Little by little, you drink from the fountain of life again

freely releasing what is no longer you

while nourishing all that you are now, and what you came here to be and do.

There is space for it all,


You have been called here because…

You have walked through a season of life that has CHALLENGED & changed you,

a season that has shattered everything you used to know about what life is, about who you are.

As you sit in the ruble and look at yourself and the future, you ask

Who am I now? What is life now?

What will become of me and all of this?

The world just seems to keep humming along, yet for you, your inner world has halted.

You know there is no turning back, there is no returning to the way things used to be.

Even though outwardly everything might appear exactly the same,

who you used to be has been stripped away with loss, uncertainty, and pain.

How Ironic that the difficult times we fear might ruin us are the very ones that can break us open and help us blossom into who we were meant to be.
— Elizabeth Lesser

you know You are forever changed.

Life has broken you open, to the core - it is both terrifying and liberating.

It is raw, scary, lonely, and vulnerable, and you didn’t choose it.

Yet simultaneously there is something happening deep down within you,

a subtle yet powerful possibility is alive…

The possibility that all you have been called to walk through is leading you right back

to your most soul-full life,

to a renewed way of living, being, & leading.

It is all leading you right back to who you were created to be.


Feeling & flowing with your emotions, creativity, & relationships.

  more freely Dancing with JOY & greif openly.


connecting inward & outward more deeplY.


WELCOME TO your expansion into


MORE MYSELF is a space to (re)discover your Self - all that you are now.

We will bring presence to what has been forgotten, tucked away, unseen.

We will allow all of the energy that is ready to be liberated & embodied to FLOW THROUGH YOU.

We will bring reverence to all you have walked, and to the transformation that is available to you NOW.

When we allow the BREAKING OPEN, there is tremendous pain, aND there are astounding gifts.

They do no cancel each other out - instead they work together to shape us.

If we open our hearts to this process, bringing sacred & compassionate presence to each layer, we create space for MORE of ourselves & life.

We create space to become more authentic, full, connected, and vibrant versions of ourselves.

In February 2021, immense grief overtook me after my mom died.

It felt like my life was stripped away with hers, and for many months I felt untethered and lost.

It was humbling, dark, confusing, terrifying, painful, and all-consuming. I didn’t know who I was or how to live in this new, undesired reality that was impossible to prepare for.

With time, amidst the exhausting days where I felt like a shell of myself, there were tiny glimpses of who I was becoming and how this process was shaping me, if I was willing to surrender to this experience.

The process was slow (at least slower than I wanted it to be) and is on-going, yet as I found willingness to accept each day of life, no matter how messy and uncertain, a rejuvenation of my being began.

Things began to feel more clear and spacious.

I no longer had the energy to hide anything, to rush or push anything, or to say yes to things that didn’t feel right.

The more space I gave my grief, the more I felt my deep Ellie energy brewing and building within, and then to slowly over flow.

The more space I allowed myself to unravel fully, the more I felt a more authentic and dynamic Ellie begin to blossom.

I began to feel MORE MYSELF than ever before.

I was born through Grief.

Born through grief is for you if:

You have lost a very important person in your life;

You have experienced a difficult fertility or pregnancy process;

A principal relationship in your life has ended;

You or a family member has received a heart-breaking diagnosis;

You have needed to leave your home or homeland;

You left a job or profession that you poured so much into;

Important parts of your life haven’t gone as you hoped or wanted, and you haven’t been able to release them fully or turn toward life again;

Life has cracked you wide open and shifted you at your core.

This program is for you if:

You are willing to open to your feelings, to the magic and mystery of what might lie beneath them.

You are willing to be seen and guided in your most vulnerable of places.

You are willing to recognize and let grief in.

You are willing to sit with uncertainty and the unknown.

You are willing to honor your experience and allow a new path forward to be cultivated in perfect timing.

You are willing to (at your own pace) release any lingering amour and open your heart to life again. 

This is a space for your Rebirth.

In this time together we will create the foundation for your walk forward.

While it is impossible to put a timeline on this process, Born Through Grief will help you tap into trust in YOUR ‘attuned pace’ - a pace that deeply honors your capacity, your body, your heart and life - while clearing away what’s ready to go so you have space for renewal. 

I can’t tell you exactly what awaits you, but I can tell that if you are willing to come as you are and stay open to the process, it will be a profoundly revitalizing process. 


Softening into ourselves in times of loss of challenge: an initiation into cultivating transformative acceptance, awareness, compassion, presence, and capacity so we can grow & heal.


Opening to the transformation available to you: understanding the natural cycles of transformation and learning to work with yourself amidst change.


Releasing who you used to be so you can ground into who you are now.


Surrendering to the unknown and intimately dancing with uncertainty.


Tapping into all that is being cultivated within you and finding your attuned pace as you walk forward.


Embodying this fuller version of you: walking with grief and life, and allowing yourself to be and hold all of who you are now.


WEEKLY LIVE Teaching+Coaching sessions* (90minutes each)

Two LIVE Integration Circles with Q&A for deepened support and community witnessing

Access to an exclusive portal where all call recordings & any corresponding practices will be housed, so you can interact with other program participants, program content, and receive support between live sessions

The opportunity to book discounted 1:1 support calls with Ellie for the duration of the program

All calls will be recorded for those that cannot make them live.

All times are listed in US Central time. Please make sure to convert to your timezone accordingly.

The Born Through Grief More myself Curriculum

Each week will gather for 75-90 minute group sessions* that include connective teaching, guided practices, and coaching around the following themes:


Ellie Thomas is a Transformational Coach and an intimate explorer of life, grief, Spirit, love, healing, heart expression and authentic living. Her essence is light, yet her intuitive insights and reflections profound, wise, and brave. Ellie finds energy, joy, reverence, and power in daring to be with and extend love to what has been hidden away. She works with others to open and connect to their vibrant Divine hearts, honor pain and grief as sacred teachers and experiences, and release what is no longer theirs to create space to discover deeply resonant living and being. 

Ellie considers herself a forever student of the ‘transformational arts’, and shares her wisdom and offerings through her mentorship containers, writing, teaching, meditations at She lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with her beloved husband and dog, and rejoices in daily simple riches and rituals like morning walks through the woods, kitchen dance parties, playfully creating nourishing recipes , and being with her loved ones through tears and laughter.