Unlock your flow

A 4-Week, Intimate Group Coaching & Mentorship Container that guides you into the process of




So many big shifts are underway.

Can you feel iT?

The desire and readiness to catapult into a new way of living and being ripening each day within you?

Many feel a stirring beneath the surface,

A persistent inner knocking saying, “this isn’t who you really are, there is another way available to you”,

A call to shift limiting stories, identities, patterns, and ways of viewing who you are and how you are meant to live, so the ways and doors of the Heart can be opened to lead you forward.

are you ready to unlock the flow of the soul-full way of life that calls to you?

Unlock Your Flow Group Mentorship brings the mind-alchemizing, heart-opening, energy-shifting power and presence of working 1:1 with me into 4 weekly, 90-minute group sessions where you will be held, guided, and witnessed in intimate community.

This is a powerful activation of deeper knowing, tending, and living.

It will open you to renewed liberation, love, healing, trust, joy, energy, creativity & discovery of life.

On each call, you will be guided into powerful connection with your multi-faceted being and energy, naturally tapping into the fountain of life that’s wanting to pour through you, and supporting you in releasing the ‘gunk’ that is ready to go in order to allow greater flow.

You will receive a kind of guidance you probably haven't experienced before.  This is not the type of coaching where perfect answers will be given or I will tell you what to do.

Actually, a lot of what you receive will come from you and the abundant wisdom that flows through you. I will serve as your guide as you shift and liberate energy that wants to FLOW.

Your subconscious limitations will be invited into consciousness.

your heart, body, and Spirit will be invited to the main stage to stand beside your intellect again.

you will have access to more of yourself and be more in touch with your wholeness after each call.  

Loving presence will be the foundation of every single CALL and transformationAL journey that unfolds during these 4 weeks.

When you say yes to presence, no matter how scared you are of what might be on the other side of its doorway, you say yes to ourselves,

to your heart, to your soul journey, to your pain, to your passions, hopes, and dreams, to connection in all directions

to your unique Flow of being and living that natures and nourishes all that we wish to create in this life.

Presence allows us to hear and tend to the subtle (or not so) knock of the needs and desires that have been over-ridden or pushed away, sometimes for years.

Presence connects us to the grace, Love, compassion, and vibrancy that is already alive within us, no matter how disconnected we have felt from it. 

Presence is the key that opens the doorway to abundant paths of possibility,

the key that unlocks the patterns that keep us operating in survival mode,

and then offers us a vision and steps toward thriving.

Dates & Price

Unlock Your Flow Small Group Mentorship is limited to 5 people per cohort, and includes 4 weekly, 90-minute Live coaching & mentorship calls on Zoom

Dates & Times for Next Cohort not yet available

I ask that you plan to attend calls live. You will have access to all call recordings forever, as well as a private community space where you can share, interact, ask for support, and more with me and the group between sessions.  

Pay in Full



two payments of


Ellie Thomas is a Transformational Guide and an intimate explorer of life, grief, Spirit, love, healing, heart expression and authentic living.

Her essence is light, yet her intuitive insights and reflections profound, wise, and brave.

Ellie finds juicy energy, joy, reverence, and power in daring to be with and extend love to what has been hidden away.

Her work opens others to connect to their vibrant Divine hearts, while also honoring pain and grief as sacred teachers.

Ellie’s presence offers safe space and precise guidance to shed what no longer serves her clients so they can step into new ways of deeply resonant living and being. 

Learn more about my journey here.

About your Guide