Presence: The Golden Key That Unlocked My Flow
Last week in an Instagram story I shared that at the crux of giving and receiving love (and what I believe is at the core of all love languages) is PRESENCE. Later that day, a loved one asked me on the phone what had helped me in becoming and being more present in my life.
The full answer comes in a long and winding healing story that spans the last 5 years (and continues on, of course), but I loved her question because
PRESENCE is the golden key that unlocked my flow.
While offering my presence and energy to others was more natural years ago (and now I can see that the quality of that presence was not always of my highest offering as I was often in my head and not embodied), cultivating presence with myself and everything swirling inside of me did not come easy to me.
I was the Queen of avoidance of my inner workings, pain, needs, desires, and more, and I needed A LOT of support in the early years of working with my coach to feel safe enough to really allow presence in - to really allow myself to slow down, to deeply listen to myself , to feel and tend.
As I found my footing and slowly walked through the presence initiation, there was a lot of pain and grief asking to be held and seen, but there was also incredible and immense love, wisdom, breakthroughs, and liberation. This unlocking process was one of great release of all I had been holding in for so many years, offering me more inner space to breathe and be, to explore and evolve, to experience contentment, peace, and joy. It unlocked my ability to FLOW with all of me and all of Life.
In my experience, without presence there is no conscious flow.
Without presence, there is no embodied acceptance.
Without presence, we miss out on the magic of our continued becoming and soul evolution because instead of seeing and working with life as a great teacher and mirror, we feel distracted and trapped by all the challenges that come our way.
Presence opens the doorway to deep listening, to attuning our ear and heart to our knowing.
Presence opens the doorway to liberation and healing as it brings us into connection with emotions that want to flow through us and create space in us.
Presence connects us to the grace, Love, compassion, and vibrancy that is already alive within us, no matter how disconnected we have felt from it.
Presence offers humility in our humanness and opens us to the awe and wonder of our Divinity.
Presence allows us to hear the subtle (or not so) knock of the needs and desires that have been over-ridden or pushed away, sometimes for years.
Presence is the key that opens to the doorway to abundant paths of possibility, the key that unlocks the patterns that keep us operating in survival mode, and then offers us a vision and steps toward thriving.
Presence invites intimate tending, budding, blooming and shedding of all that is ours to steward and grow.
Presence gifts clear sight to see what isn’t ours and to embrace what is.
Presence guides us in receiving higher consciousness, and offering from wholeness all that we are here to offer.
When we say yes to presence, no matter how scared we are of what might be on the other side of its doorway, we say yes to ourselves - to our hearts, to our soul journey, to our pain, to our passions, hopes, and dreams, to connection in all direction - to our unique Flow of being and living and natures and nourishes all that we wish to create in this life.
Ready to deepen into presence? Book your Exploratory Coaching Session here or get on the waitlist for one of my upcoming programs.